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Mental Health Resources

my child might have Attention Deficit Disorder?

The following list of behaviors could be an indication of Attention Deficit Disorder:

  • Restless or overactive                 
  • Excitable, impulsive
  • Disturbs other children
  • Fails to finish things he or she begins
  • Short attention span
  • Constant fidgeting
  • Inattentive, easily distracted
  • Demands must be met immediately
  • Easily frustrated
  • Cries often and easily
  • Mood changes quickly and drastically
  • Temper outbursts, explosive and unpredictable behavior

my kids might be experiencing burnout?

Symptoms can include:

  •     Moodiness
  •     Lethargy
  •     Excessive whining
  •     Loss of interest in activity
  •     School Grades beginning to drop
  •     Performance in activity slips
  •     Family relationships strained
  •     Depression
  •     Anxiety

there’s trouble in my marriage?

Possible marital danger signs:

  • One or both spouses feel that the other does not listen or understand.  When the wife, especially, feels this way on a regular basis, major problems arise.
  • Destructive Criticism – One or both regularly criticize the other in ways that tear each other down instead of building each other up.
  • Defensiveness – When you feel the need to defend yourself on a regular basis that signals that one or both of you are using attacking language in your communication.
  • Contempt – This is often a sign of long-standing unresolved bitterness and anger
  • Shutting down – when problems arise, one or both spouses shut down, to avoid the pain of dealing with them. This is highly detrimental to your marriage, and may in itself lead to a split.
  • In trying to resolve conflict you: A) go around in circles, and end up returning to a major hot-button issue B) you don’t “fight fair” – you are in a cycle of mutual blame and hurt feelings, you bring up past issues, violate boundaries by involving non-interested parties, among many other errors.
  • Persistent feelings of deep sadness, anger, or worry about past behaviors or possible future occurrences
  • Addictions: drug/alcohol, gambling, eating, sexual, pornography (internet, especially), among others
  • Major emotional issues (infidelity, abuse history) remain unresolved, which affect the couple’s intimacy.
  • One or both spouses report feeling overwhelmed, unvalued or unappreciated

When trust and empathy break down, the road to healing can be long and difficult. The sad fact is that many couples delay counseling until the depth of hurt feelings has made one or both believe that the marriage can’t be salvaged; they are in crisis. This may be why some people think that marriage counseling “doesn’t work”.  Nothing could be further from the truth. Think of it as catching an illness in its early stages. When you do that, your chance of healing is very good.

I have an alcohol or drug addiction?

Warning signs of addiction:

  • Developed tolerance to some of the effects of the substance
  • Mental preoccupation with obtaining and using substance
  • Using more than intended
  • Mixed success at attempts to control use
  • Withdrawal symptoms when user stops using substance
  • Giving up social, occupational or recreational activities because of use
  • Use of substance continues despite negative consequences

For help finding in-patient treatment for substance abuse, call The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) 24-Hour Toll-Free Treatment Referral Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (1-800-662-4357) or on the web at

I might be depressed?

Over the past two weeks, have you been bothered for several days by the following problems:

  • Little or no interest in doing things.
  • Feeling down, depressed or hopeless.
  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or sleeping too much.
  • Feeling tired or having little energy.
  • Poor appetite or overeating.
  • Feeling bad about yourself, or feeling that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down.
  • Trouble concentrating on things such as reading the newspaper or watching television.
  • Moving or speaking slowly that other people notice.  Or the opposite - being fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual.
  • Thinking that you would be better off dead or wanting to hurt yourself in some way.

Adapted from Zoloft Depression Symptoms Checklist.

I might have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

If you answer "yes" to the following list of behaviors, it could be an indication of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:

  • Do thoughts come into your mind that you have trouble getting rid of or don't make sense?
  • Do you believe these thoughts are coming from your own mind, rather than from some outside sources?
  • Do you wash your hands more than other people?
  • Do you have to check things over and over again?
  • Is there any other behavior you find you cannot resist and/or are doing more often than you think you should?
  • Do you have to have things done just so or in a certain order?
  • Does thinking these thoughts or performing these repetitious behaviors bother you a lot?
  • Do the thoughts and/or the behaviors interfere with your day-to-day functioning?

Adapted from Zoloft Depression Symptoms Checklist.

I might suffer from Social Anxiety?

The following list of behaviors could be an indication of Social Anxiety Disorder:

  • I get very nervous when around other people or in a social situation.
  • I fear or avoid meeting new people.
  • I fear or avoid talking to my boss or anyone in charge.
  • I fear or avoid speaking in front of groups.
  • I fear or avoid drawing any attention to myself.
  • This interferes with my daily life.

In a social situation...

  • I feel like everyone is watching or judging me.
  • I feel scared of making a mistake or looking like a fool.
  • I blush, sweat, tremble or shake.
  • my heart races or pounds.
  • I am afraid that people would notice these signs of anxiety.
  • I'm troubled by knowing the fear is excessive or unreasonable.
  • I go to great lengths to stay away from certain people, places or social events.

Adapted from Zoloft Depression Symptoms Checklist.

I might have a Panic Disorder?

In the last 4 weeks, have you had an anxiety attack (sudden feeling of fear or panic)?  If yes...

  • Has this ever happened before?
  • Do some of these attacks come suddenly out of the blue?
  • Do these attacks bother you a lot or are you worried about having another attack?

During your last anxiety attack...

  • Were you short of breath?
  • Did your heart race, pound, or skip?
  • Did you have chest pain or pressure?
  • Did you sweat?
  • Did you feel as if you were choking?
  • Did you have hot flashes or chills?
  • Did you have nausea, an upset stomach or feeling that you were going to have diarrhea?
  • Did you feel dizzy, unsteady, or faint?
  • Did you have tingling or numbness in parts of your body?
  • Did you tremble or shake?
  • Were you afraid of dying?

Adapted from Zoloft Depression Symptoms Checklist.

I might have a sexual addiction?

For a variety of screenings for sexual addiction, please visit The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health's website.

The information contained on this website is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider or therapist.  These screenings are intended only for the purpose of identifying symptoms and are not designed to provide a diagnosis or treatment.  Only a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional can make a diagnosis or determine a treatment plan.