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Support Christian Counseling

Christians care deeply about the family unit. Both the Old and New Testaments emphasize the importance of family. Grandmothers and grandfathers are honored as God’s covenant partners to provide love and care for the next generation. We are all part of God’s Family.

In keeping with family importance, New Leaf Resources works intentionally to pass on family values and concern for healthy families to the next generations. Thousands of people have received quality Christian counseling and support even when they struggled financially.

To help our clients financially, the New Leaf Foundation established The Marty Doot Endowment Fund within its Foundation (which uses only dividends and interest), to ease the burden of those who need help for their family situations. Being good stewards today, enables New Leaf to be able to provide quality Christian counseling tomorrow.

Who is Marty Doot? As you read our history, you find that Dr. Marty Doot, who was called home at an early age, was instrumental in starting our organization with a focus on addiction counseling. Today New Leaf Resources has grown to be a comprehensive family counseling agency as well as addiction counseling agency. And, to honor his work, The Marty Doot Endowment was established.

We are well aware that there are numerous wonderful Christian causes that deserve your attention. However, we ask you to consider a gift to the New Leaf Foundation, specifically, The Marty Doot Endowment to promote our continued care for struggling children, marriages in trouble, bereaved persons who need support and counsel, and many others who need Christian counseling but are without resources.

If you would like to give a gift to support the New Leaf Foundation, you may donate online (click Partner and then click Make a Donation), or you may mail your donation to New Leaf Foundation, Attention Marty Doot Endowment, 2325 – 177th Street, Lansing IL 60438


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