Mental Health Resources for Individuals:
Battling Isolation and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Aneece Alicea, therapist at New Leaf Resources
Video on Maintaining Mental Health During COVID - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Personal Resiliency During COVID - School of Mental Health Ontario
Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic Event - Center for Disease Control
COVID-19 Mental Health Resource Hub - Free Resources to Help Individuals Address Mental Health Needs
Help Is Here: Information on Phone Support Available in Illinois - Illinois Department of Human Services
Mental Health Considerations During the COVID-19 Outbreak - Indiana State Department of Health
Mindset Shift During a Pandemic - Graphic
Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19 (Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic Event) - Center for Disease Control
Cómo sobrellevar los desastres o eventos traumáticos - (Spanish) Center for Disease Control
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health During COVID-19 - Center for Disease Control
How I'm Protecting Myself from Depression During Social Isolation - Halley Cornell, Mental Health Advocate and Writer
How to Take Care of Your Mental Health While Social Distancing - Rutgers University
Mental Health Resources for Children and Families:
Pandemic Parenting Resources and Webinars - Pandemic Parenting
How to Talk to Your Kids about Coronavirus - Wheaton College
Intentional Ways to Spend Family Time During Quarantine - Humanitarian Disaster Institute
Taking Care of Your Family's Mental Health During COVID-19 - Cincinnati Children's Blog
Helping Children Cope During and After a Disaster - Center for Disease Control
10 Ways to Calm Coronavirus Anxiety - Thrive Global
How to Help Your Child's Anxiety During COVID-19 - Every Day Strong