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40 years ago, our mission was shaped by our early board. They shared a passion for helping families struggling with alcoholism and chemical dependency.

As we evolved into a comprehensive mental health agency, our boards have given of themselves and used their God-given blessings to help meet every new challenge.  New Leaf is grateful to God for blessing our organization through uniquely skilled and passionate individuals.

  • Profile Photo

    Tim Groenewold

    President, Board of Directors
  • Profile Photo

    Mary Boonstra

    Vice President, Board of Directors
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    Thriesa Hubers

    Secretary, Board of Directors
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    Ryan Davids

    Treasurer, Board of Directors
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    Dr. Kathryn Huls

    Member, Board of Directors
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    Neil Zandstra

    Member, Board of Directors
  • Profile Photo

    Judy Doot

    Member, Board of Directors
  • Profile Photo

    Jayne Boer

    Member, Board of Directors
  • Profile Photo

    Kristen Rappold

    Member, Board of Directors
  • Profile Photo

    Kay Kapteyn

    Member, Board of Directors
  • Profile Photo

    Dan Broersma

    Member, Board of Directors

Previous Board Members

Rev. Cal Aardsma

Marilyn Anderson

Jim Benes

Bruce Bere

Ken Blauw

Clarence Boersma

Lois Boonstra

Hal Brown

Angela Buikema

Trenice Bulthuis

Bruce Buursma

Rev. Dr. Leroy Childress

Russ Clousing

Kari Coffer

Dr. Arlo Compaan

Ken Cooper

Ken Cowan

Jack Davids

Jim Davids

Clarence Deckinga

Gerald Decker

Donna DeGraff

Dr. Alex DeJong

Rev. Alexander DeJong

Ralph DeJong

Hets DeRose

Liz Dorn

Dr. Marty Doot

Lisa Doot Abinoja

Chris Dykstra

Gene Eeningenburg

Jack Elzinga

Tim Eriks

Bud Fennema

Glen Fiala

George Gabrielse

Claire Griffith

Dr. Rick Hamilton

Donna Hamstra

Elsie Hannenburg

Tanya Harper

Jan Hoekstra

Pat Hoekstra

James Hofman

Robert Honig

Case Hoogendoorn

Lisa Hooker

Pete Huizenga

Mary Ideran

Dr. Mike Ideran

LaVerne Jordan

Dr. Dan Kallemeyn

Betty Kerkstra

Dr. Betty Klassens

Jeff Klein

Dean Koldenhoven

Deb Koster

Mary Koster

Shari Krajewski

Tad Lagastee

Clarence Laning

Dave Larsen

Bev Lich

Dick Lubbers

David Mackinnon

Marc Martinez

Ryan Matthysse

Liz Metcalfe

Carol Moxey-Mesman

Beverly Nelson

Rev. John Ouwinga

Tom Ottenhoff

Hilda Ozinga

Michael Reagan

Stephanie Rodriquez

Dave Rosendale

Rev. Joel Sheeres

Dave Schuuman

Brian Smith

Cheryl Smithgall

Marianne Tigchelaar

Ralph Troller

Donald Toby

Kathy Toby

Donald Van Beek

Jean Vanbeek

Ken VanDellen

Al VanDenBosch

Burt VanderLaan

Gayle VendeWerken

Bernie VanHowe

Carolynn VanNamen

Thelma Venema

Rev. Gerrit Veenstra

Brenda VenHuizen

Tom Visser

Wayne Vriesman

Cal Walstra

Dr. Fred Wezeman

Denise Williams

Barry Zalane

John Zeilstra

Rev. Joel Zuidema