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If you are having difficulty in your marriage and not sure how to handle the situation, you may need professional advice. New Leaf Resources wants to provide you with helpful and insightful information to get you through this challenging spot.

Helpful Articles

Balancing Career and Family Responsibilities

Building a Partnership in Your Relationship

Grieving in Silence:  Life After a Miscarriage

Is Your Relationship Wi-Fi Compatible?

The Transition of Empty Nesting

Wedding Wars - Navigating Premarital Disagreements


Staff Reviews

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
by Dr. John Gottman
“Many couples think of counseling or “self-help” books as resources for people who are struggling. While true, there are a number of resources that are designed to actually help prevent problems before they happen, rather than waiting to deal with them after they crop up. Gottman’s book is one such gem, and a book I highly recommend for couples at any stage of their relationship.” - Former Marriage & Family Therapist Leah Travis
Available at